


高级监护服务为家长提供积极主动,有前瞻性的监护服务。学生由我们专业的老师和当地监护人共同服务。总部的老师将在学生入校一周以内前往探望学生,指派的本地监护人将定期去学校看望孩子。我们的老师还将定期与孩子进行沟通交流, 关注孩子的身心健康和学业情况。





1. 监护人将陪同学生和家长进行新生报到。

2. 监护人将定期前往学校探访孩子(一学年3次),其中包括出席家长会。

3. 监护人将每两周与学生进行一次生活上的沟通和交流。

4. 每学期为家长提供学期报告。

5. 发生紧急状况时前往探望学生。

6. 帮助学生和家长处理医疗和疫苗需求。


1. 每学期向家长呈报学生账户开支。

2. 代付寄宿家庭住宿费。

3. 代付学校课外活动费用。

4. 代管学生零用钱。

5. 代买学生生活用品。

6. 代缴学生手机电话费。


1. 每月与学校年级主任和宿舍管理员进行沟通交流,明确学生学习进度和在校生活状况。

2. 定期提供给学校准确的护照和签证信息。

3. 确保学生的校服和学校用品符合学校要求规定。

4. 课程选课建议。

5. 参加学年末家长会。

6. 每学年提供家长会报告(英文版和中文版)。

7. 按学生实际情况和需求安排补课服务。


1. 在以下情况下为学生安排住宿和交通。

2. 学校假期。

3. 校突发的紧急状况。

4. 学生被勒令离校或退学,或因为健康原因需要离开学校寻求治疗。


1. 帮助家长填写学校发出的各类表格和同意书

2. 提供监护信件协助签证申请


Premium Guardianship Service

Our Premium Guardianship Service provides proactive services. Our head office teachers will visit students at the first week of the academic year, our local guardians will regularly visit students to make sure they are settling well at school. Our head office teachers will make regular contact with students to ensure their well-being and happy study at school. We will write pastoral and academic reports back to parents three times per year.

This service will closely monitor students' living and studying life at school as well as identify any problems at any time.

This service also gives parents reassurance that 24/7 support is always available.

Our Premium Guardianship Service has the following benefits:

Care and Welfare

1. The appointed guardian will meet the students and their parents at school on the registration date and help with school registration.

2. Your local guardian will pay personal visits to the student three times during the academic year, including one parent's evening, to make sure the student is settling well.

3. Your guardian will make contact with the student bi-weekly via text, email, WeChat and etc.

4. We will write termly reports during the year (December, April, July). The report will be sent directly to parents.

5. Visit the student if an emergency arises.

6. Assist the student and parents with vaccination and other medical care.

Finance Management

1. Provide termly statements of the student's expense to the parents.

2. Arrange payments to the Host Family.

3. Arrange payments for extra activities' fee at school.

4. Manage and distribute pocket money.

5. Arrange payments for grocery shopping.

6. Arrange payments for mobile phone uses.



1. Make monthly contact with student's headteacher of the year and housemistress or housemaster by email or phone.

2. Provide updated Passport and Visa information to the school.

3. Ensure school uniforms and equipment are properly equipped.

4. Give advice on school subjects and courses.

5. Attend one parents' evening per academic year.

6. Email Parents' Evening Report in both English and Chinese per academic year.

7. Arrange tutoring if required.


Travel and Accommodation

1. To arrange accommodation and travel for the student, updates are sent to parents and school.

2. During school holidays.

3. If the school has to close temporarily because of an emergency.

4. If the student is suspended or expelled, or has to have a period away from school on medical advice.


Other Services 

1. Assist with consent letters to the school.

2. Provide guardianship letter for visa application purposes.

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